Phone: +9180 25544921

Community of Tarbes Nivas


Tarbes community

After the first Provincial Chapter of 1971 in Bangalore, Sr Pauline Lopez and her team resided in St Joseph’s Convent, Fraser Town till 1976. It then became necessary to have a separate house for the provincial community. In 1976, Jyothi Nivas College was shifted to Koramagala; some of the hostelites, who were accommodated in the house opposite the Cathedral, (earlier bought from Mr. L.T. Pinto). This house now vacant, was found suitable for the Provincial Community. The first community was installed on 17 th July 1976.

The community was inaugurated with a prayer service. It was named Tarbes Nivas, after the beloved name of our Institute. All the elderly sisters from the Bangalore Community were invited to this event. Sr Genevieve Yrondy, our Superior General, who visited India at that time, helped Sr Pauline a great deal, to furnish the house and start the Provincial Community.

The present Provincial Community consists of the following members:

  1. Sr Sabina Chacko - Superior
  2. Sr Catherine Charles - Provincial Superior
  3. Sr Benedicta Mary Joseph - Assistant Provincial Superior
  4. Sr Rosy N.R - Councillor & Secretary
  5. Sr Maria Conceicao - Provincial Treasurer
  6. Sr Rosaline Noronha - Education Secretary


Quick Contact

Contact Details

No. 19 Promenade Road
Fraser Town
Bengaluru—560 005
Karnataka, India

+9180 25544921 / 69999653
