Community of Bijapur
Jesus calls each one of us to bring healing and wholeness to the people who are in need, to proclaim His Good News so that they may have life – Life in all its fullness. ( Jn. 10 : 10 )
It was the inspiration carried down from many chapters to take up front line ministries, and make our SJT presence alive among the least and the lost of the society.
13th Provincial Chapter paved the way to discover and discern the target group and place, Srs. Jacinta and Leela were sent to Bijapur Mission, where the Jesuits are in – charge. Fr. Vincent Crasta Sj who had a passion to love and serve the People living with HIV, started 10 beded Community Care Centre which they were ready to hand over to any religious Institution. It was the providence of God that brought us to answer the call.
14th Provincial Chapter gave the thrust to accept the mission under SJT sent Srs. Jacinta and Rita to continue the work in St. Annes Community Care Centre from 1st June, 2010. In a single room having 20 beds with limited facilities, lot of inconvenience in the Government hospital made the stay difficult for the patients.
The presence of the sisters their loving and dedicated service brought comfort and joy to the patients, especially in their last stage of life they had a place and someone to care for them to die in peace. With the increase number of patients the Province felt the need to start one more Centre. On 15th November 2010 St. Joseph’s Community Care Centre at Athani Road came to existence in a rented house away from the city with 15 beds. By the providence of God soon we will have our own Centre at Indi Road.
There are the most neglected, marginalized, unwanted and uncared people in the society, even among their own family members. It is a very highly risky and challenging mission but there is fulfillment and Joy.