“The spirit blows where it wills; it blew over the community of Simdega which enabled the sisters to move out to begin the new mission in konmenjra.
On 18th July 2014, Srs. ammini Pushpam, Anand Jyoti Toppo and Paulina Soreng set out to Konmejra village which 9Km to look for a place to stay there and to survey the place to see the missionary activities which we can undertake in that place. People of the place especially the catholic population were happy to welcome the sisters.
11th August 2014 onwards Srs. Anand Jyoti and Paulina stayed in the village and were arranging place for the three Postulants who were coming for their formation in mission for one and half month. Mr. Emil Kiro was very generous in sharing part of their house for the Postulants and for the sisters to stay. Their presence in the midst of the village brought much joy to the people as well for the sisters and postulants.
4th February 2015 sr. Christina Mary the Regional Superior and sisters from Simdega community visited Konmenjra and met local people. The local people expressed their need for a English Medium school in Konmenjra. Thus on 15th April 2015 Srs. Paluina and Anand Jyoti started Nursery with 19 children. Sr. Christina Mary along with Simdega community was present to start Nursery school in Mr. Arvind’s house where the sisters stayed.
On 13th July 2015 it was erected a satellite community, members were Sr. Paullina and Dibya Dung dung. Mean while the sisters purchased a land and built a school building. On 13th February 2018, the school building was inaugurated during the visit of Sr. Mercy Jacob superior General. On 7th July 2018 Konmenjra community was erected as an independent community by the Regional superior sr. Mary kurian. Sr. Elia C.R Superior, Sr. Malina Toppo Head Mistress and sr. Poonam Toppo.
Thus our ministry is education and pastoral work. Present community members are Sr. Elia C.R, Sr. Poonam Toppo, Sr. anand Jyoti Toppo, and Sr. Joys Infanta.