Kotma community is situated in the district of Anuppur in Madhya Pradesh, India. It is inhabited mainly by Gond tribe. There are Hindus and Muslims also. Jesuit Fathers have taken up this area to develop. We concentrate on Christian population who are working in the collieries. Some have migrated to this area many years ago and have given up Christian practices because there was no follow up. Jesuit Fathers began a community in Kotma and from here they reached out to other centers around.
Sr. Maria Teresa, the then Mission Superior, on her way to Jabalpur with Fr. Antony Parapullil SJ happened to visit Kotma. Even though the land owned by the Diocese of Jabalpur here was barren, without even a blade of grass growing on it, she saw a vision for the future Region of the North. Seeing the possibility of contact and communication from this place, she took initiative to start a community in this place.
Responding to the invitation of the Bishop of Jabalpur Rt. Rev. Theophane O’Praem D.D. in view of starting a community at Kotma, Sr. Genevieve Ponnau (Superior General), Sr. Sabina (Councilor) and Sr. Philo M.K. (Mission Superior) accompanied by the Bhaiswar Community, Fr. Antony Parapullil SJ, Sr. Lucy Pereira and Sr. Vijaya Ratna arrived at Kotma on 2nd February 1996.
On 26th June 1996 Sr. Teresa Paul (Superior) and Sr. Milred Ekka began the community in Kotma. Sr. Vimala Mary joined them after a month.
They entered Gondwana area with zeal and enthusiasm. Fr. Antony Parapullil SJ, Fr. Philemon Lakra, Fr. Aemilianus Lakra SJ, Bro. Petrus SJ, Sr. Lucy Pereira and the sisters of Bhaiswar community prepared the way a year ago. They had already built up good rapport with the people and some of the development activities had already begun. The new community continued to build on what was already started.
In the year 2001, an English medium school was started at the request of the Diocese. At present we have CBSE affiliated Higher Secondary School at Kotma. Moreover, Kotma has become a Regional house for the Region of Jeevan Maithri since October 2003. Hence, the Vocational Training Programmes – Tailoring and Computer training in Bhaiswar, Nimha, Gumla and Simdega are co-ordinated from here. We are also involved in the Pastoral activities of the Parish, like going to the 3 sub-stations for Mass, teaching Catechism on Sundays in the sub-station, teaching Adult catechism when there are opportunities, preparing for Mass & liturgy in Kotma. In the year 2016, Formation of the Candidates/ Aspirants was shifted to Kotma and the first stage of formation is taken care of here.
At present there are ten sisters here – seven involved in the Education ministry full time, one Formator, one Regional Superior and Manager of the School and one Regional Treasurer.
Ministry and Activities of the Community