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The Sisters of St Joseph of Tarbes in India

+Whoever enters through me will be saved

Sr. Camillus is one such soul who entered through Jesus the way and is now saved for evermore, as She has said good bye to the world and entered in to the blissful abode of God’s love.

Sr. Camillus was born on the 25 th of november1935 of Mr D.S Irudhayanadhan and Mrs. S. Savariammal at Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka. She is the eldest of her six siblings: one younger brother and five younger sisters .

On the 5th June , 1955, Sr.Camillus entered the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes as a postulant , she was initiated into Novitiate on the 9 th January 1956. Sister made her first profession on 9 th January 1958. and made her perpetual profession on the 9 th January 1964.

After completing her teacher’s training her first placement was at Coramendal community where she served as teacher and Headmistress from 1958 to 1970. In1970 she was transferred to Robertsonpet community as a Headmistress and a animator of the community.

She also has rendered her service as Headmistress in SJC Tamil Medium Champion Reefs, St. Paul’s Hr. Primary School, Marikuppam and as manager of St. Sebastian School Coramendel.

After her retirement in the year 1993 she was actively involved in the pastoral and social ministries in Susaipalayam KGF, Prem Nivas, and O grady Health centre until she was transferred to the community of Champion Reefs as the Headmistress of SJC Private School.

In the year 2006 she was placed in Suman Niketan and was incharge of ALMA I.T.I till 2009. From 2010 to 2016 She was the Headmistress of St. Dominic Savio Hr. Primary School , coramendel and continued to be the member of Coramendel community till 2018 . From 2018 till she fell ill in the year2022 she belonged to the community of Sevanivas Susaipalayam.

Today we thank Sr. Camillus for all that she has been to each one of us in the family of sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes , to the Church and to the Society. Her commitment to live her consecrated life authentically is truly praiseworthy. She loved her Master whole heartedly.

She was such a prayerful person spending time in intimacy with the lord, reading the spiritual readings, faithfully praying the rosary, even in her old age she was found in the chapel kneeling before the blessed sacrament and prostrating before the lord. Which was so inspiring and motivating to grow in the true devotion to the Lord.

Her simple, dedicated and witnessing life touched thousands of people through her ministry of education. She helped the poor and needy students. She started kannada prathama ,madhyama,pravesha classes for the students of Tamil medium to help them understand and study kannada easily. She provided free books, uniforms ,fee concessions for the poor students. She motivated the students of Tamil medium to study well. She was kind to teachers, always appreciating them for their service and motivating them to do better. Though firm, sister had the heart of a mother towards the children who needed her special attention.

Sr. Camillus would always greet persons with a broad smile and would easily pick up conversation with anyone she meets. She would collect sweets and would distribute to the children . Sister was interested in visiting churches and people. She was big moral support for her family members, sisters in the community, retired teachers and students.

She always considered cleanliness and neatness next to Godliness. This was visible to others in the way she presented herself. We can neverforget her love and concern for the sisters, spending time with them, making them happy with her humorous nature. She had special love for young sisters. Taking care of them. She was a good companion for all age group of people. When she was not able to move about she would contact people over the phone enquiring about them , advising them praying with them and supporting them.

Sr. Camillus made everyone feel that they are loved, accepted and respected. She enjoyed life and made others enjoy life with a smile on her face. It was in the year 2022 she had gone to St. John’s Hospital for her regular checkup and she had to be admitted due to her serious illness. From then onwards Sr. Camillus fought a good fight, completed her race, keeping good faith as St. Paul would say.

While in the infirmary she was cheerful and happy with a smiling face welcoming everyone and blessing everyone who came to see her. She was very grateful, loving affectionate to the nursing sisters and staff who took care of her always saying THANK YOU with a smile and blessing, she took very ill a few days ago and continued looking up to heaven, pleading with her Master for mercy with a graceful face.

On 15th September on the feast day of our heavenly Mother who stood at the foot of the Cross in pain and agony, while all the sisters were around her singing and praising Sr. Camillus silently and gracefully slipped into the hands of the heavenly Father at 8:27 pm. We believe that we now have one more angel in heaven to intercede for us Srs. Of St. Joseph of Tarbes and for our Dear Sr. Camillus, We truly believe that you are in the bosom of the loving father and numbered among the angels and saints of God, singing His praises and so bid you farewell from this world to your heavenly abode that is prepared for you. We will surely meet you in heaven .

Good Bye dear Sr. Camillus

News / by Tarbes Sisters


+Whoever enters through me will be saved ,
Sr. Camillus is one such soul who entered through Jesus the way and is now saved for evermore,
Sr. Camillus was born on the 25 th of november1935

From 2nd October 2024 to 9th October 2024 retreat for the sisters of Bangalore Province. It was directed by Rev Fr John (OP)
On 12th october 2024 a session on use of media was held for the second batch of sisters. It was conducted by Rev Fr Maria Sagaya Raj (SDB)
On 9th October 2024, a session on use of Media was held for the first batch of sisters. It was conducted by Rev Fr Maria Sagaya Raj (SDB)
On 16th September 2024, Socio-Medical Commission arranged a meeting for the sisters who are involved in social work and medical ministry. The invitation was open to other sisters also. The meeting was held in Jyothi Nivas College.
On 7th September 2024 a meeting was held in St Joseph's Convent, Fraser Town for all the bursars of the communities and administrators of the schools. Mr Joe James , chartered Accountant from Phillipos and Company was the Resource person.
On 3rd August 2024. Gathering of Lay Associates at Bangalore, St Joseph's Convent, Fraser Town
On 28th July 2024 Rev Fr Yesu Karunadhi took the session for the teaching sisters of SJT on the key skills for effective teaching "Empathy and Resilience"
On 17th July Animators meeting at St Joseph's Convent, Fraser Town, Bangalore. The Resource person Rev Fr Benny koottanal , MSFS on the topic "Conflict Management"
On 1st June our nine Junior sisters from both the Provinces and the Region of Jeevan Mythri began their year of Juniorate in preparation for their final commitment.
Co-ordinators of all the commission's meeting held on 21st April 2024 at St Joseph's Convent, Fraser Town, Bangalore
Vocation sunday on 21st April 2024. The sisters had put a stall in two parishes at St Francis Xavier Cathedral and in Holy Ghost Parish.
A day session was arranged for the "On Going Formation" batch 1982-1991. The resource person was Rev Fr Juventius Andrade (CSSR) on the theme 'Ageing Gracefully'
A day programme was arranged on 8th March 2024, by the co-ordinators Sr Laitha and Sr Jaya for the On going formation batch 2003-2012. On the theme : "Prayer and Life: A journey with God" . Resource person was Fr Sebastian Nellankuzhi (OCD)
A day session for the "On Going Formation' batch 1971 - 1981 . the Resource person was Rev Fr Joe Mathias (SJ).
Eulogy of Sister Matilda Immanuel
Inter Province Council meeting held on 3rd & 4th Feb 2024. The Resource person for the day was Fr Joe Mathias (SJ)
The junior sisters renewed their vows on 2nd Feb 2024 during the Eucharistic celebration.
A session was arranged for the Two days session for the 'On Going Formation' 27th Jan & 28th Jan 2024 Batch 2013-2017. Fr Martin Kurishinkal (OCD) gave a session on 'Prayer' for the sisters.
06-Jan-2024 Diamond, Golden, and Silver jubilee celebration of SJT Sisters.
On 23rd october 2023 Discernment session by Fr Jossy Lobo (SJ)
Eulogy of Sr Juliana D’souza
Retreat for the sisters of Bangalore Province from 14th October 2023 to 22nd October 2023.
On 2nd October 2023. The Co-ordinator Sr Malar Joseph along with the team of Education Committee organised a meeting for all the sisters who are involved in the Education ministry
18th Provincial Chapter orientation at Prem Nivas, Kamanahalli (Bangalore) 20th August 2023
Third batch - 18th Provincial Chapter Orientation at Vile Parle, Mumbai 5th August 2023 to 6th August 2023
Third batch - 18th Provincial Chapter Orientation at SJC, Bangalore 5th August 2023 to 6th August 2023
First batch - 18th Provincial Chapter Orientation at SJC, Bangalore 22nd July 2023 to 23rd July 2023
Closing of the 18th Provincial Chapter Proceedings
18th Provincial Chapter of the Bangalore Province from 12th May to 21st May 2023 Orientation of the 18th Provincial Chapter for the Delegates
Inauguration of the 18th Provincial chapter 12th May to 21st May 2023
Mass of the Holy spirit for 18th Provincial Chapter 12th May to 21st May 2023
Annual Retreat from 2nd May 2023 to 9th May 2023 by Most Rev Francis Serrao, SJ Bishop of shivamoga
Consecrated to be a Prophetess of Communion” - final profession of SJT Sisters.
Visit of His Eminence Mario Grech. Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops
Sisters of St Joseph of Tarbes
The arrival and welcoming
First Profession of Sr Joshlet on 2nd February 2023
Diamond, Golden, and Silver jubilee celebration of SJT Sisters.
Eulogy of Sr Cotilda
Newly elected Superior General of the Sisters of St Joseph of Tarbes - Sr Jesus Cevallos
Bursars Meeting Date 26th October 2022, Resource person Fr Trevor D'souza OFM No of sisters attended 48 Venue: Bangalore Convent, SFX Mini Hall
Mission Month/ Mission Activities / Sisters of St Joseph of Tarbes
Beginning of the year of Juniorate Preparation for the 2022 -2023 of both bangalore and Mysore Provinces
Good news for the Region of Jeevan Maitri.
ANNUAL RETREAT for the sisters of the Province From 1st to 09th October 2022 by REV. FR. Peter Swamy, SMM, Society of Monfort.
The sisters of Bangalore Province had the Animators meeting on 26th and 27th of August 2022.
The sisters of Bangalore Province had their 33rd General Chapter Orientation in three batches
Eulogy of Sr John the Baptist 8 August 2022
Final Profession on 27th May 2022 in St . Joseph's Convent Chapel., Bangalore
Annual retreat from 2nd to 10th May 2022 by Rev . Fr Biju Sebastian. OP (Dominicans)
Diamond, Golden, and Silver jubilee celebration of SJT Sisters.
Initiation of pre- postulants entered into Postulancy
Eulogy of Sr. Celestine
First profession 8th December 2021
Eulogy of Sr Jude
EULOGY OF Sr. Sylvia Christie
Annual retreat for the Sisters October 2021
Eulogy of Sr. Emilia D'Mello
A loving Tribute to our elderly sisters
Annual Retreat for the Sisters
A brief history of the Sisters of St Joseph of Tarbes
Sisters praying the Rosary
14.07.2021 Final Profession | Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes
Mourned by: Provincial and Sisters of St Joseph of Tarbes
Sr Lucy Pinto
Sr Jessie Jerome
Sr Josephine Lobo
Sr Josephine Hoover
Patron's Day Celebration and the Book Launch
Global Novena to St Joseph
Aikyatha Volume 17 No: 4 Jan- March 2021
First Profession on 2nd Feburary 2021
Diamond and Silver Jubilee on 30th January 2021
Eulogy of Sr. Felicity 18th Jan 2021
Aikyatha Vol.17 No.3 Oct to Dec 2020
Webinar for On Going Formation October 9-10, 2020
NEP Webinar September 22-23, 2020
Aikyatha Vol.17 No.1 July to sept 2020
Webinar for On Going Formation October 9-10, 2020
NEP Webinar September 22-23, 2020
Aikyatha Vol.17 No.1 July to sept 2020
Ongoing Formation Batches 1987-2002 September 12-13, 2020
Webinar on Understanding NEP 2020 September 10, 2020
Year of Preparation for Perpetual Vows September 02, 2020
Webinar session on NEP August 27, 2020
Aikyatha magazine July 25, 2020
Requiem Mass | Sr. Philomena Cardoza SJT July 13, 2020
Sad demise of Sr Philomena Cardoza on 11th July 2020
Call for Religious Life, Vocation Video Series #1, Archdiocese of Bangalore
Final Profession June 27, 2020
Silver, Gold and Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the Sisters on 4th Jan 2020
Conclusion of the Silver Jubilee Year May 31, 2018
24th May – First Profession May 24, 2018
Initiation into the Novitiate May 23, 2018
St. Joseph With Us November 7, 2017
Provincial Community Day November 9, 2017
Aikyatha November 28, 2015
The 16th Provincial Chapter November 23, 2015
The Canonical Visit November 23, 2015